Daily Horoscopes

May 31, 2024
It's time to dig for treasure in your own home or area. Look around at your resources, property and even your district, as they hold untapped potential. Whether it's renovating, redecorating or exploring local gems, the current cosmic line-up encourages you to rethink how you use what you have. Dive deep into your domestic domain, as prosperity can begin at home.


Know Your Sun Signs

Know Sun Signs



Libra is the zodiac sign that rules peace, love, and harmony. As the sign that falls in the middle of the zodiac, the Libra personality is all about balance. Charm and pleasant demeanor are among the Libra traits that can make this sign so soothing to be around. Libra rules relationships, and both Libra men and Libra women are natural partners who love to support their favorite people. Libra is associated with the seventh house of the zodiac—it rules relationships, harmony and balance.

Romantic and social, many Libras love to flirt. They may have a lot of admirers, and may break a few hearts along the way. But they can’t help it! The Libra zodiac sign is ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty and romance. Not only are Libras in love with love, they enjoy sharing the finer things in life (art, fashion, a delicious meal) with an attractive partner.

Many of the world’s most famous beauties are Libras, such as Kim Kardashian and Bridget Bardot. Common Libra features include dimples, symmetrical features and gentle eyes. Both Libra males and Libra females can be described as “pretty.”

Friendship is also a top Libra priority, and this sign may have a huge social circle. When you set one of these social butterflies free at a party or networking event, Libra will quickly own the room. As one of the zodiac’s three Air signs, Libras are natural communicators who love to share ideas, trends and opinions.

Some Libras can be reserved and formal at first. But once you get them talking, a five minute conversation can morph into a three-hour philosophical conversation! They can be keen listeners, which is one of Libra’s best traits. This sign is genuinely interested in your ideas and opinions. In our fast-paced world where everyone’s in a rush, Libra’s gentle pace can be a breath of fresh air.

Because the Libra personality seeks compromise, this sign hates conflict and anything that feels unfair. If you meet an angry Libra, they’re probably riled up about an injustice. Their systems simply can’t tolerate it! Many Libras are natural diplomats who will do everything to help everyone get along. They can accurately see both sides to a situation, and resolve fights in a way that feels fair for all involved. As the sign of the Judge, many Libras can be counted on for a wise, thoughtful opinion.

Unfortunately, not all Libras are equally sweet and sensitive. On the bad side, some Libras can tip the scales into dictator behavior and power trips (Libras Simon Cowell, Margaret Thatcher and Vladimir Putin are examples of Libras with a “my way or the highway” attitude). Libra is one of the four cardinal signs, which gives Libras qualities of leadership and confidence, but also a sense of entitlement.

Other negative Libra traits include being manipulative, materialistic and out of balance. Some Libras are a bit too driven by their appetites for pleasure, and may shop, dine, spend and live in five-star style regardless of their budget. Can Libras be vain? Definitely. Some Libras may use their natural charm and good looks to seduce others into taking care of them. Yes it’s nice to be spoiled, but some Libras may take this desire too far. And they do themselves a disservice, as they can become lazy and codependent when they let others do all the work!

Making decisions can be hard for Libra, because this balance-seeking sign can see both sides of every situation. Wise Libras like to take their time and gather all the information before making up their minds. You can’t rush the Libra personality, nor should you! But they may drive you crazy as they swing between “Should I?” or “Shouldn’t I?” for months, only to wake up one day and make what looks like a totally impulsive decision! In reality, they’ve been thinking about this for ages and have finally reached the moment when their instincts tell them, “Go for it!”

One lesser-known Libra trait: This sign has a major sweet tooth. Libras get easily addicted to sugar, which is probably why many of them follow strict, healthy diets as they get older. The sensitive Libra wants to look and feel good, and learns that junk food upsets their balance.



Gemini is the sign that rules communication and they love ideas! Gemini people come across as clever and quick-witted. Ruled by Mercury, the messenger planet, Gemini is the news person of the zodiac signs—the unofficial “Google” among friends with recommendations for books, music, movies and podcasts. Typical Geminis are are eager to dish out the juiciest pieces of news and happenings to their friends via text message and social media. The Gemini star sign is always up to something new and exciting. They love vacations, trendy clothes and any gadgets they can tinker around with.

Part of the fun (and curse) of the Gemini personality is that you’re never quite sure which side of Gemini you’re going to experience. Will it be the vivacious, pun-dishing jokester, or the snarky, mean-spirited critic? But if you’re willing to see Fifty Shades of Gemini, they’ll color your life in thrilling ways!

Ruled by the dual sign of the twins, Gemini energy circulates in a quick and frenetic way. Gemini rules communication and this sign inspires witty wordplays and dynamic dialogue. Gemini transits are great for brainstorming and socializing.

If possible, Gemini people should to stick with a couple key passions for the long haul, and get really good at them. You love to chatter and you have a million great ideas. Keep your fast-moving mind and hands busy with email, instant messages, mobile gadgets, and great conversations. Watch a temptation to gossip. Keep a notebook handy to jot down your thoughts at all times.

This sign also craves “twin flame” and kindred spirit energy, and is always up for an intellectual meeting of the minds. Under the influence of a Gemini planetary transit, we could find ourselves with the gift of gab, talking and conversing with others for hours hopping from pop culture trends to deep political topics.

Beware of becoming a “gossip girl,” though, as Gemini can crank up the rumor mill. As renowned Dr. Bernie Siegel says, “[we] have the ability to cure with either ‘words’ or kill with ‘swords.’” The essence of Gemini energy is fascinating, original, resourceful, charming, wise, and adventurous. The negative manifestation can devolve into restless, distracted, two-faced, judgmental, depressed, and overwhelmed energy.

Gemini has a tendency to ride the roller coaster of life, spiraling skywards one minute and plunging into lows the next. If you can keep up with these vibes, though, you’ll have one heck of a thrill!