Daily Horoscopes

Jun 28, 2024
A Quarter Moon in your sign hints at an opportunity to complete something that may have taken a lot longer than you hoped. If you've run out of steam, this lunar phase might inspire you to get it finished and out of the way. Have antiques to sell? If something preloved is now surplus to requirements, this could be a good time to let it go and allow someone else to use and enjoy it.


Know Your Sun Signs

Know Sun Signs



Aquarius is the sign that rules friendship, technology and the future. The Aquarius star sign is the mad scientist of the zodiac, always marching to their own beat. Want an idea of the typical Aquarius personality? The Aquarius star sign is ruled by Uranus, the only planet in the solar system that spins on its side! These rebellious and quirky people do it all their own way! One of the many Aquarius traits that makes you a paradox? You’re highly individualistic, but also an amazing team player. You might look like the fresh-faced guy or girl next door on the outside, but you’re a true individual…

Looking for Aquarius? You’re likely to find them in a crowd. Aquarius rules community and groups, so Aquarius people tend to be more focused on the group than the individual. Freedom is important to Aquarius, which is why they like to keep things light on an interpersonal level. That way, they won’t feel bad about running off to the opposite corner of the world at a moment’s notice.

At times, this nomadic strategy backfires, leaving the typical Aquarius feeling lonely and disconnected. But it’s a Catch-22: Aquarius people are uncomfortable with too much intimacy. These free spirits belong to the world, and feel off-balance giving their considerable energy to just one person. While their friends get first-class treatment, families and lovers see a different side of Aquarius: moody, brooding, anxious and neurotic. Or they may pick one (and only one) person to open up to, getting attached to the point of obsession.

Learning to accept and express their emotions can help Aquarius people avoid the massive freakouts and anger flashes that come from pretending everything’s cool when it isn’t. Aquarians appreciate a quirky or eccentric twist and have some colorful characters and countercultural personalities as friends.

As a tenacious fixed sign, Aquarius can be quite hardworking when you devote yourself to a goal. A competitive (and lesser-known) Type A streak can emerge when you really want something. Nothing turns you on like progress, especially in the name of your grander ideals! Many Aquarius people walk on a path different from everyone else’s. Some call the Aquarius star sign eccentric, while others appreciate your cutting-edge originality and authentic style.

Aquarius people are also naturally popular, as your vibrantly social sign loves to be among your people, telling jokes and introducing thought-provoking conversation topics. People truly do make your world go round, and you can become insta-BFFs with the most random strangers. As the sign of the future, you can be a bit of an alien—a little “out there” in your approach. Not that you care about offending anyone!

Aquarius rules casual connections, and you can disengage as quickly as you connect. In fact, your platonic pals may get better treatment than your romantic partners. While you can be a bit unsentimental on a one-on-one level, you can be moved to tears by the plight of animals, the environment or other social justice issues. Yes, you’re a bohemian at heart in some ways, but you also get the job done.

Symbolized by the philanthropic and objective Water Bearer, Aquarius energy is innovative and avant-garde. From experimental electronic music to community-oriented living, there’s nothing that this sign won’t explore. As the sign that rules groups and teams, bringing people together around a social cause or political agenda is an Aquarian specialty.

Aquarius energy is cutting-edge, “out there” and even a little strange at times. This futuristic sign helps us envision utopian worlds. This is the sign of science fiction and inventions. No topic is too cutting-edge under an Aquarian transit: extraterrestrials, stem cells, cloning, robots taking over the earth…yup, Aquarius will go there.

The essence of Aquarius energy is community-oriented, original, open-minded, fair, logical, humanitarian, connecting, and inviting. The negative expression of Aquarius energy can be guarded, detached, destructive, out-of-touch, irrational, and desperate.

Aquarius vibes make us reluctant to express emotions—it prefers rational reasoning and cool-headed logic to the messy tapestry of the human feelings. No surprise that author Ayn Rand, founder of the Objectivist movement, was born under this sign. Objectivism has been a major influence on the Libertarian movement, which has a real Aquarian flavor. It’s an organized system that also preserves individual freedom and limits government intervention. Like Aquarius energy, it’s “fringe” and mainstream all at once, a fascinating paradox.

While Aquarius influence can make us rebellious and detached from reality (c’mon back to earth!), it helps us see possibilities we wouldn’t otherwise.



Aries is the first zodiac sign, born to be number one. The Aries person is a solo star who steals the spotlight and inspires everyone with your confidence. Aries people can be impatient, even a little bossy, especially when they don’t get your way. As the “baby” of the zodiac, the Aries star sign needs lots of attention and can throw quite the tantrum when you don’t get it.

Ruled by the headstrong and determined Ram, Aries energy can be stubborn and willful. It causes us to dig in our heels, stand our ground and refuse to be pushed around. Under the influence of an Aries planetary transit, we may butt our own metaphorical Ram’s horns against the same obstacle until we break it down—often with the sheer force of will.

Confident Aries energy helps us believe in ourselves and champion others. The essence of Aries energy shows up as encouraging, unstoppable, bold, devoted, heroic and caring. In its shadow form, Aries energy can make us prideful, self-centered, impulsive, bossy, stubborn, reckless and competitive. This sign likes a challenge, but be careful not to become selfish or domineering under Aries’ influence.

Aries people tend to have a lot of energy, which they apply to everything from tackling supersized projects to unleashing their lusty libidos with a lover. This confident sign is known to leap before looking, diving into each new experience with a zest for life that few others can muster. As the zodiac’s first sign, they love to be number-one and can be amazing trendsetters and trailblazers.

Aries are true originals who inspire the rest of us. With all of their fire power and can-do attitude, there’s nothing an Aries can’t (and won’t) take on. At times, Aries can be selfish or overly focused on themselves. It can be a “blind spot” for them, and friends of Aries may need to gently remind them from time to time to share their toys.

Aries are born with an innate sense of entitlement, which helps them shatter glass ceilings but can also be off-putting to people in extreme doses. This go-getter sign can come across as abrasive or overly aggressive. However, Aries will never back down from a challenge and can be heroic champions of anyone in distress.