Health Horoscopes

Jun 28, 2024
It is likely that you won’t feel happy today. You may become negative in your thinking. Though health won’t suffer, if you remain under the dark shadow of negativity, you will end up falling sick. You are advised to stay objective about things.


Know Your Sun Signs

Know Sun Signs



Gemini is the sign that rules communication and they love ideas! Gemini people come across as clever and quick-witted. Ruled by Mercury, the messenger planet, Gemini is the news person of the zodiac signs—the unofficial “Google” among friends with recommendations for books, music, movies and podcasts. Typical Geminis are are eager to dish out the juiciest pieces of news and happenings to their friends via text message and social media. The Gemini star sign is always up to something new and exciting. They love vacations, trendy clothes and any gadgets they can tinker around with.

Part of the fun (and curse) of the Gemini personality is that you’re never quite sure which side of Gemini you’re going to experience. Will it be the vivacious, pun-dishing jokester, or the snarky, mean-spirited critic? But if you’re willing to see Fifty Shades of Gemini, they’ll color your life in thrilling ways!

Ruled by the dual sign of the twins, Gemini energy circulates in a quick and frenetic way. Gemini rules communication and this sign inspires witty wordplays and dynamic dialogue. Gemini transits are great for brainstorming and socializing.

If possible, Gemini people should to stick with a couple key passions for the long haul, and get really good at them. You love to chatter and you have a million great ideas. Keep your fast-moving mind and hands busy with email, instant messages, mobile gadgets, and great conversations. Watch a temptation to gossip. Keep a notebook handy to jot down your thoughts at all times.

This sign also craves “twin flame” and kindred spirit energy, and is always up for an intellectual meeting of the minds. Under the influence of a Gemini planetary transit, we could find ourselves with the gift of gab, talking and conversing with others for hours hopping from pop culture trends to deep political topics.

Beware of becoming a “gossip girl,” though, as Gemini can crank up the rumor mill. As renowned Dr. Bernie Siegel says, “[we] have the ability to cure with either ‘words’ or kill with ‘swords.’” The essence of Gemini energy is fascinating, original, resourceful, charming, wise, and adventurous. The negative manifestation can devolve into restless, distracted, two-faced, judgmental, depressed, and overwhelmed energy.

Gemini has a tendency to ride the roller coaster of life, spiraling skywards one minute and plunging into lows the next. If you can keep up with these vibes, though, you’ll have one heck of a thrill!



Cancer is the zodiac sign that rules home, family and emotions. The sensitive Cancer personality is ruled by the ever-changing Moon. One key Cancer trait is to have moods that go through many cycles. You’re naturally intuitive, even psychic. Pay attention to your dreams, especially near a full moon.

Cancer people are homebodies at heart, even if they’re out and about in the working world or the queen bees of their social hives. They love returning to a space that they can call their own. Home and deep bonds, especially female ones, keep them feeling secure.

Many Cancers are passionate foodies who love to cook and of course, eat! The typical Cancer loves to host their own house parties for a regular crew. Creative Cancers are the ultimate culture vultures, always up on the latest Michelin-starred restaurant, new band or raved-about independent film. Great with kids and pets, Cancers make excellent parents and caretakers.

Need a little TLC? Call on Cancer, who’s always ready with a sympathetic ear and a shoulder to cry on. (Be warned: You will need to return the favor soon enough!) But don’t get too hooked on Cancer’s compassion or your relationship can get codependent. That shell can be a bit too snug and Crabs can lose perspective, lapsing into pessimism. Before claustrophobia strikes, make sure to set healthy boundaries. Encourage Cancers to dry their tears and face their fears. They need friends who give them space to vent but also remind them of their strength.

The zodiac sign Cancer is symbolized by the Crab, with its impenetrable outer shell and vulnerable underside. Just as the Crab claw grips, Cancer energy makes us cling to comforts—from job security to beloved family members and pets. The Crab also carries its home on its back, and Cancer is about setting up a cozy and safe space wherever it goes.

Change can threaten this security-seeking sign, which seeks to plant deep roots. Under the influence of a Cancer planetary transit, we feel sentimental and nostalgic. These are times for nurturing ourselves and our loved ones. Cancer people are sensitive and loyal, with a ready shoulder to cry on.

Like a crab, Cancer can cling — or pinch — when you feel threatened or vulnerable. And thrifty Cancers can pinch pennies just as tightly. (Of course, you also love to spend! It’s a mood thing.)

Cancer people are homebodies at heart, even if they’re out and about in the working world or the queen bees of their social hives. They love returning to a space that they can call their own. Home and deep bonds, especially female ones, keep them feeling secure. The Cancer star sign loves to nurture their loved ones.

To make life easier, surround yourself with comfort: a cozy sweater, a favorite book, trusted friends, and a stash of your favorite goodies. Cancers are close to their moms, so keep yours on speed-dial and call her when you’re down. You may be an unofficial “mom” to everyone in your life, too. Taking care of kids, friends, and pets can keep your spirits high.

Many Cancers are passionate foodies who love to cook and of course, eat! The typical Cancer loves to host their own house parties for a regular crew. Creative Cancers are the ultimate culture vultures, always up on the latest Michelin-starred restaurant, new band or raved-about independent film. Great with kids and pets, Cancers make excellent parents and caretakers.

Need a little TLC? Call on Cancer, who’s always ready with a sympathetic ear and a shoulder to cry on. (Be warned: You will need to return the favor soon enough!) But don’t get too hooked on Cancer’s compassion or your relationship can get codependent. That shell can be a bit too snug and Crabs can lose perspective, lapsing into pessimism. Before claustrophobia strikes, make sure to set healthy boundaries. Encourage Cancers to dry their tears and face their fears. They need friends who give them space to vent but also remind them of their strength.

The zodiac sign Cancer is symbolized by the Crab, with its impenetrable outer shell and vulnerable underside. Just as the Crab claw grips, Cancer energy makes us cling to comforts—from job security to beloved family members and pets. The Crab also carries its home on its back, and Cancer is about setting up a cozy and safe space wherever it goes.

Change can threaten this security-seeking sign, which seeks to plant deep roots. Under the influence of a Cancer planetary transit, we feel sentimental and nostalgic. These are times for nurturing ourselves and our loved ones. When the Cancer person gets moody, you need to be comforted, or else just left alone.

The essence of Cancer energy is sensitive, domestic, feminine, maternal, compassionate, caretaking, romantic, and creative. Negative Cancer vibes can be gossipy, cliquey, isolated, passive-aggressive, hypersensitive, and overly competitive. Under the Cancer influence, emotions and intuition overrule their logic and intellect.

Cancer rules the stomach and literally urges us to “go with our gut.” Cancer energy is the ultimate Chicken Soup for the Soul, and once you’ve sipped from the Crab’s cup, you feel soothed and nurtured. However, we may play it too safe or feel smothered by too much Cancer energy, which can veer into coddling and codependence.